
Edward Charles Foundation teams up with advisors and other knowledgeable professionals to assist and consult our charitable projects. The increased ease and dexterity of our charitable projects maximizes the impact of your client's charitable dollars, and their enjoyment. We help you understand the philanthropic landscape and the various charitable vehicles to make the best decisions possible. 

With over 100 years of experience, we work with the full suite of advisors and professionals to philanthropists and donors including but not limited to lawyers, CPAs, accountants, business managers, wealth managers, family offices, agents, talent managers, philanthropic consultants, investment bankers and bankers to help your clients make the best decisions concerning the type of charitable structures to use as well as the best methodology to have the most impact and rewarding experience in the process. We help our funds vet charitable recipients, consult with top professional philanthropy consultants, event producers, etc. to maximize impact and satisfaction. We help oversee and administer the funds at the direction of your team and your client. We provide full financial accounting, compliance and reporting. We are not wealth managers and simply help act as accountants, administrators and fiduciaries in managing charitable funds on behalf of your philanthropist clients.